September 19, 2024

A lot of people know that free web hosting has a lot of limitation and that’s why people go for paid web hosting for their business website. Even most of the time I used to say that don’t go for free hosting that will ruin your business. But I want to discuss some positive points of free web hosting and I think, that you want a free hosting for your affiliate marketing business.

Affiliate marketing is a very common term in these days and a lot of people do this for their living. Some times its very easy to promote your product online with some affiliate website but what if the competition for your niche is tough? Promoting a product using a website costs around 5-6 dollars per month that means annually almost $72.But a lot of people are there who are afraid of spending this much amount because they don’t know if they can beat the competition or not.

$72 is very small amount is you are a successful affiliate marketer but it takes time to get success. Ok so we can see that a lot of people are there who want to do some business with affiliate marketing but do not want to spent $72 per year. So here is a solution for them.

Buy a domain name from godaddy, which will cost you around $8 per year and take a free web hosting from any good free hosting provider. Yes you can say that they have a limit on their bandwidth and they have only 5Gb bandwidth per month but seriously speaking if you are able to spend all that 5 Gb bandwidth for you site then you can also pay for your web hosting.

One GB of bandwidth means at least 500 to 600 visitors per month which means with 5 GB of bandwidth you can get 2500 visitors per month and as a thumb rule you can earn at least $ 50 per month from these much users. Which means $600 per year and that’s a very good amount.

So now we know that you can use free web hosting for your affiliate marketing but what if you get over loaded. Some free hosting providers have their paid hosing plans so you can just upgrade to their paid plans any time. So sounds amazing? Yes it is because when you have the money to spend for your business you can just upgrade from free to paid web hosting plans.