September 19, 2024

Hosting service enables users to upload their websites on the Internet for public or private viewing. Before fixing on the hosting, the user first needs to decide the domain name and have it registered too. The user basically has three options to choose from when it comes to hosting service, by a provider.

These are virtual private server hosting, shared web host and dedicated server hosting, classified on the basis of the level of control the user would like to have along with the degree of responsibility the user have to share for the smooth functioning of their website. As far as the major difference between shared hosting and dedicated host is concerned, in case of shared host, a majority of small users share the same shared server to upload their websites, whereas in dedicated hosting, each website is allocated a dedicated web server that no other website can share at any cost.

Shared web hosting is majorly preferred by beginners, individuals and small businesses / organisations, as they have less requirement of bandwidth and disk space and they do not expect much web traffic. Here, the maintenance of server, software installation and security upgrades are administered by the web hosting providers who make use of software like Direct Admin, Helm, etc as control panels to govern the server entirely. Linux OS is generally used by shared hosts to access maximum compatible control panels in the industry. Dedicated hosting, on the other hand, is generally preferred by growing businesses and individuals expecting huge traffic on their websites on a regular basis, as it offers greater bandwidth than shared web hosting.

It is also handy to accommodate a complex web application, secure information and customisation features within your website. It also allows the users to have greater degree of control and responsibility for the smooth running and consistent performance of their website. As such this hosting type also seeks proper management to monitor and rectify any problem immediately. eCommerce websites owners generally opt for dedicated web hosting.