September 19, 2024

What exactly are dedicated servers? Well, they’re definitely not referring to people who are quite attentive to you in a restaurant, but they are a type of web hosting provider when a webmaster needs to host his website online.

If you have just started a website, definitely you will need a web host to put it up for public or private viewing. In the market, there are several types of web hosting services available such as a free server, a shared server, and of course the dedicated server. With a free server, people would use this if they want to host a personal webpage for friends and family to view. The free web host provider will most likely put up their ads on your web page in order to make income out of it.

A shared server is usually what webmasters would go for if they are just starting out with their online businesses and are going for test runs first. And because web hosting normally costs hundreds of dollars a month, most small businesses would choose to share the server with other business owners so that they won’t have to invest so much during the first few months.

Those who own personal websites are ideally suited for shared servers. They’re cheaper as compared to dedicated servers since the server is being shared with other businesses. However, if your business suddenly starts progressing and you are planning on adding more databases such as forums and shopping carts, you will need more space and larger bandwidth for your website. A shared server cannot give you this, so it’s time to take a look at dedicated servers.

Dedicated servers are servers that host one primary website, so if you buy a dedicated server it will host your website alone. This also means that the space and the bandwidth is yours alone to utilize since you won’t be sharing with other businesses anymore. You can build or expand your business as much as you want and can finally put in databases such as shopping carts and forums.

Another great perk with owning a dedicated server is the total control you have over the safety and security of your website. You can add additional features to your website that will be beneficial both for you and your customers.

Though dedicated servers cost a lot more due to maintenance costs, there are different kinds of sizes and different prices available for you to choose from. When browsing through different options, you will find everything from large servers to budget dedicated servers. In the end, you just have to avoid the following at all costs:

• Customers are not able to access your website or loading time takes too long because there is not enough bandwidth. This drives the customer away because it gives the impression that your website is no longer working or available.
• Customers do not trust the level of security of your website.
• There is an extreme limit on the website with regards to disk space.

All of the scenarios above can be avoided if you choose a dedicated server. It has more disk space, stronger bandwidth, and of course stronger security for online business websites.