September 19, 2024

When your website grows out of the facilities provided by shared hosting services, the next natural progression is towards using Virtual Private Servers (VPS), aka virtual dedicated servers. Virtual dedicated servers use a special kind of partitioning technology that successfully creates several ‘virtual’ servers out of a single physical server. Every web site that is hooked on to a virtual dedicated server has a completely separate server space. The server behaves as if it was dedicated only to that website. Through this technology, hosting companies are able to create multiple servers using a single physical server. This reduces costs while providing maximum benefit to clients.

Virtual dedicated servers offer a number of advantages to the websites they service. Through this service, a website has full root access to the server. That means, you can do any one of the number of activities to customize your server. You may install software, add and update packages, host multiple sites and change server configuration. At the same time, security is never compromised because other clients do not have access to your section of the server.

Virtual dedicated servers are very attractive to website owners because they are a happy via media between shared hosting and dedicated hosting. Many websites, particularly fledgling e-commerce sites, may have outgrown shared hosting but may find dedicated hosting too expensive for their needs. In this case, virtual dedicated servers provide all the facilities at a fraction of the cost.

Virtual dedicated hosting is targeted at businesses and enterprises that are on their way up. They are meant to be used as an intermediary step towards a highly successful online business. Therefore, virtual dedicated servers always offer an easy option to upgrade services. Generally, you would require less than a minute to upgrade your hosting account so that your website would have more disk space, memory or other facilities. Virtual dedicated servers come with an easy-to-use control panel that offers a highly powerful tool box that allows you easy access to powerful features.

Virtual dedicated servers are not without a few disadvantages. Of course, these disadvantages are comparative. When compared with a dedicated server, virtual dedicated servers offer less security. However, the amount of protection that virtual dedicated servers provide is much more than that provided by shared hosting services. Only if your website requires 100{3728c97f74b06e72d2b074bca575d40162b54b0d1060234c43f76ea5393aafc8} protection, should you consider replacing virtual dedicated servers with a physical dedicated server. Another disadvantage is the fact that it is possible for you to alter your website accidentally or even crashed the server unwittingly. Even so, most dedicated servers provide excellent backup facilities.