September 20, 2024

Many sales and marketing websites rely on servers to share information around the company. Computing programs such as Microsoft exchange allow businesses to set up intranet based e-mail clients and shared folders so that company employees are easily and securely communicate with each other and work from the same set of information. The main point of a marketing department is to contact current and potential customers with information intended for making a sale, and this often involves sending large mailing campaigns and receiving and handling many replies.

In order to set up an intranet, the company will need a server that connects all of the computers within the system to one central store of information. For smaller companies, or those that do not have much office space setting up a physical server room within the office is often not a viable option. The hardware required to set up the server is costly, and this also means the company will need to invest in IT professionals to manage the server Network. A virtual private server allows the company the freedom to open their own server space without the initial outlay costs, saving thousands of dollars immediately. A well chosen VPS hosting service will also offer technical help and on-site assistance, replacing the need for IT technicians at the cost of only a few dollars per month. It is a good idea for companies that have intensive databases for client information to move their store of information off-site and have a good system in place for the regular backup and protection of this information. If this data is lost through damage or theft, it can cost the company thousands of dollars to retrieve it.

Specifically for marketing and advertising businesses, VPS services have the benefits of handling large volumes of outgoing and incoming information without disturbing other operations on system. This means that these companies can set up an intranet for the internal work within the company, and also have a server dedicated to mail outs and advertising campaigns without any conflicts of bandwidth and processing resources. Using a dedicated server for this method would require several accounts and hundred dollars a month each, and has some companies this is just not cost-effective. On the flip side of this, shared web hosting services may be unreliable, provide little bandwidth or memory space and would simply not function correctly if used for large transfers of information.