September 19, 2024

Nowadays, there are many different methods to host websites and online businesses. Therefore, proper research is needed to find the best hosting solution. Reseller hosting and dedicated hosting are two solutions available.

Dedicated Web Hosting

With web dedicated server hosting, webmasters rent a whole server. This server is not shared by anyone else. With a dedicated server, there are many benefits including: flexibility, security, and reliability. This type of system offers the ability for the client to have full control over every aspect of the server. Shared hosting, on the other hand, is shared by many other clients and websites.

If a webmaster is expecting their traffic volume to be large or expecting the online business to contain sensitive information, and thus requiring secure-commerce applications, a web dedicated server solution would be the best choice. In this case, using this type of solution would be a necessary requirement. A dedicated solution can provide less overhead and an overall better investment.

Basically, dedicated servers are located in secure data centers, and have the option to be managed by the provider. This provides stability, safety, security, and reliability for the website owner. Generally, with managed hosting, the providing company provides the support for the operating system, applications, and general operation. In unmanaged options, the webmaster needs to have excellent knowledge of servers and server software.

Reseller Hosting

With reseller web hosting, the reseller client can become a hosting provider for its own clients. In this case, a reseller client will invest in a large web hosting plan and then resell a portion of the space to other clients. In other words, the reseller hosting client can resell, for profit, a portion of their space and bandwidth to other website owners. All customer support for the reller’s clients has to be conducted by the reseller client. This would require some knowledge from the reseller client. Therefore, in reseller hosting, as compared to a dedicated option, the server provider delegates all support issues to the reseller client.

Dedicated or Reseller hosting?

This question depends on the needs of the webmaster. With dedicated hosting and reseller hosting, the webmaster has control of the server, but if security is an issue for the webmaster’s online business, then adding other sites to the server may cause problems. In addition, adding additional sites may also hog resources that may be needed for the webmaster’s site. If the site is small, and doesn’t need high security, and if the webmaster has hosting knowledge, then reseller hosting may be a viable option.